
American Cancer Society

American Cancer Society - 4 News Result(s)
  • Watch: How To Reduce Cancer Risk: Diet Tips By Experts
    Watch: How To Reduce Cancer Risk: Diet Tips By Experts

    American Cancer Society updated their guidelines on diet to prevent cancer, and gave us some diet tips.They laid emphasis on maintaining a healthy weight, staying physically active and following a balanced diet.

  • 'Coffee Slashes Mouth Cancer Risk by Half'
    'Coffee Slashes Mouth Cancer Risk by Half'

    Quaffing four cups of coffee daily slashes deadly mouth cancer risk by 50 percent because of its protective effects, regardless of people drinking or smoking, according to a British media report.Researchers from the American Cancer ...

  • How Cancer Affects Your Health as You Age
    How Cancer Affects Your Health as You Age

    Cancer may have a negative impact on both the physical and mental health of individuals as they age, a new study from the American Cancer Society in the US indicates.

  • Eating Out Can Lead to Higher Calorie Consumption: Study
    Eating Out Can Lead to Higher Calorie Consumption: Study

    A new study at the American Cancer Society adds weight to the pre-established notion of restaurant eating being hazardous to health. Researchers have unearthed how eating at restaurants can be linked to higher daily total ...

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